Saturation: Slice’s First Wet Hop IPA

September 20, 2022

By: Mr. Beer Thirty

Wet hop season is always a popular time in the craft beer community. After all, the fresher the ingredients, the better the end product.

Enter Slice Beer and their first whack at a wet-hopped beer.

Saturation - Slice Beer Company

With a name like Saturation (6.7% ABV), you would have to anticipate some serious hops. (And, you wouldn’t be wrong).

That’s just what you get with the very first wet hop IPA from Juicemaster and rest of the folks at Slice Beer Company (Lincoln, CA).

Loaded with “mega fresh harvested Centennial from the fine folks at Crosby Hops” and some Mosaic, Simcoe, and Columbus Cryo, just for good measure.

The beer pours with a beautiful light yellow color and a thick, frothy head that lingers for a while. As you pour, the aromas of dank pine and fresh, ripe pineapple hit you right away.

Saturation Tasting Notes

On the tongue, it’s saturated notes of resinous pine, pineapple and orange citrus with a touch of bitterness, and a clean finish.

The blend of fruits gives the beer a subtle sweetness that is perfectly balanced by the bitter hops.

If you like West Coast IPAs that bring big flavor AND bitterness, you will thoroughly enjoy this masterpiece.

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Mr. Beer Thirty

Born and raised in California, craft beer has always been near and dear to my heart. I'm a self proclaimed clear beer aficionado, lover of West Coast pilsners, single IPAs, and non-BA stouts.